Friday, 31 July 2015

Kineso Tape - No more Granny tights - funky pink feet instead!

I hurt my foot a few years ago, it was just a small hairline fracture but since then it has not stopped swelling up.  A lot appears to be due to my reduced mobility issues causing lack of good circulation, however every now and again it just swells right up.

I have been wearing ugly compression socks for 3 years, they are tight, fall down and are very expensive to buy.  I then moved onto a small compression bandage, I liked that as it was comfortable but it was pushing the fluid into my toes!  

A few weeks ago I had another flare and look what happened to my poor foot!  

It was so swollen I could not fit my shoes on at all and when I pressed the top it indented as above for ages afterwards.  

I was googling ways to help reduce the swelling when I spotted a link to Kineso taping, I have seen it previously but I have to be honest that I was very skeptical about how some tape would reduce the swelling, I was however at the end of my tether so decided to buy some and give it a go.  

The tape comes in many different sizes and colours but I opted to buy some bright pink as it is my favourite colour.  

The tape is really easy to use, simply measure how much you need of the roll by measuring it against the area you are taping then cut two identical strips of it.  

Next with the scissors you need to cut three cuts almost to the top of the strip so that it divides the lower section into four smaller strips that looks like this. 

Next you remove the sticky backing and tape the full section around the area of the ankle you are taping.  Then pulling gently to stretch the tape a little draw it out and stick it onto your foot.  Repeat with both pieces of tape so they cover a side each. 

The tape does keep coming off my foot if I am honest and looks insane (re thinking the bright colour in favour of a skin tone for future lol) but the impact it made upon the swelling was beyond outstanding.  Within a week the foot looked like this.

I was blown away, while there is still swelling it went down so fast and is far more comfortable than the compression socks.  

After a month the swelling is the best it has been since the injury, while I still have a small amount around the ankle joint I have loose skin around the top of the foot and toes again.  I can also leave it untaped over night if I wish and it does not swell straight back up.  

This is my foot today, I am over the moon with it, I am hoping to buy some new shoes now I can fit the swollen foot back into one.  It's been 3 years I have been wearing compression stockings and doing the physio exercises I was given with absolutely no effect.  I sincerely wish I had taken the leap of faith sooner and tried it but now I have there is no way I will be going back!

I have been unable to find anything much about how it works but all I know is that it has for me as you can see with amazing results!  

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